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Facial Implants

Chin implants – can increase the size and projection of a chin that does not appear in proportion with the forehead and mid-face.

For a chin implant, the incision may be inside your mouth, along the crease that joins your lower lip and gums. An incision just beneath the chin is an alternative.

Chin Implant

Jaw implants – increase the width of the lower third of your face. Much like the chin, a weak jaw can be thought of as one that is not well-defined and distinct from the neck, or one that slopes rather than angles from the ear to the chin.

These implants are generally placed through the mouth with incisions inside the mouth, further back along the jawline, at the crease where the inside of your cheek and gums meet.

Jaw Implant

Cheek implants – have numerous advantages over other methods of restoring mid-face volume.  They are fixed to the cheek bones with tiny micro screws, so they will always remain in place and not droop.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that if the patient does not like them, they can be removed in 5 minutes!

Cheek Implant

Materials Used:

  • solid silicone
  • ePTFE

It is extremely rare for any of these materials to produce tissue reactions or be rejected by the body. To date, both silicone and ePTFE have the best track record of the biomaterials used for implantation.

Benefits of Facial Implant Surgery:

The benefits of this kind of surgery are many, first of all it adds aesthetically pleasing contour to the face. I can say that one of the best advantages is that results are essentially permanent. Other great advantages are that patients usually return to work and other normal activity within a week and that these surgeries are generally performed in the surgeon’s office or an outpatient surgical center.

Hkkında Dr. Sertaç Kızılkaya


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